Whether it's running your first race, running at a faster pace or simply running an extra mile, you can ring in 2023 by setting plenty of goals on how to become a better runner.
Here are (3) steps to help you become a better runner in 2023.
1.) Just run: Want to start the new year off and running? Take time out of your schedule to run (or walk) with enough consistency to build up a routine.
You might be surprised (or not) on how a 15-minute walk - to start with - can eventually lead to uninterrupted runs, if done as a regular routine. (Tip: Don't try to do too much from the start, especially if you're a beginner. However, log your progress and stick to a schedule. No excuses!!)
2.) Keep Running: Continue to run - no matter what! And set new running routine goals in 2023, in order to brush up on your (current) running weaknesses. Perhaps, you struggle running on windy days or avoid your running sneakers when it's a little chilly out .. Set a goal, like wanting to get new running sneakers, perhaps, and head out for your run.
3.) Sign Up (For A Run): Confident enough that you have completed a trail run? Now, sign up for an official run (race) that you think might be a lot of fun for you, if not play to your strengths as a runner. Whether you enjoy flat courses, cold weather runs or running over bridges, there's a finish line in sight for runners of all levels.
Stay hydrated, listen to your body and treat yourself!